Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Chopin Music Bio Essays - Frdric Chopin, Great Emigration, Mazurkas

Chopin Music Bio Dayne Ventura Music Appreciation MU 200 Fr?d?ric Fran?ois Chopin Portrait of Chopin by Eug?ne Delacroix (1838) In this bibliography, I will discuss Chopin, his life span and nationality, and the historical period of his performance. I will address his types of major works and titles and discuss his major contributions to music. Additionally, I will touch upon his early works, his dedications and his teachings. Fr?d?ric Fran?ois Chopin, (1810-1849), Polish composer and pianist of the romantic era, regarded by some as the greatest of all composers of music for the piano. Born Fryderyk Chopin in Zelazowa Wola, near Warsaw. His father was French and his mother was Polish. He preferred to use the French name Fr?d?ric. He began to study the piano at the age of four, and he played at a private concert in Warsaw when he was eight years old. Later he studied harmony and counterpoint at the Warsaw Conservatory. Chopin was also advanced as a composer: His first published composition is dated 1817. He gave his first concerts as a piano virtuoso in 1829 in Vienna, where he lived for the next two years. After 1831, except for brief absences, Chopin lived in Paris, where he became noted as a pianist, teacher, and composer. He formed an intimate relationship in 1837 with French writer George Sand. In 1838 Chopin began to suffer from tuberculosis and Sand nursed him in Mallorca, in the Balearic Islands, an d in France until continued differences between the two resulted in an estrangement in 1847. Thereafter his musical activity was limited to giving several concerts in 1848 in France, Scotland, and England. The 1830s have been called the decade of the piano because the piano and the music written for it played a dominant role in European musical culture. As the Industrial Revolution hit, piano manufacturers developed methods for building many more pianos at lower cost. Pianos ceased to be the exclusively for the wealthy. Middle class could also own them and make music at home. Thousands of amateur pianists began to take lessons, buy printed music, and attend concerts. Chopin's piano playing was highly regarded by other virtuosos and was in great demand from professional and amateur musicians alike. Unlike the other composer-pianists of his time, Chopin rarely gave public concerts; his performing was generally confined to the homes of wealthy aristocrats and businessmen. Public awareness of Chopin's music came about primarily through its publication, and the process of putting his works into print. However, this was not simply a matter of converting his manuscripts into printed form. Chopin felt that many performance details, such as phrasing, dynamics, pedaling, and articulation, were not fixed elements of his music, even though they have a substantial impact on the way it sounds. He was inconsistent about including performing instructions in his manuscripts, and when publishers asked him to supply them at the proof stage, he often changed his mind several times. Nearly all of Chopin's compositions were for piano. Although a refugee, he was deeply loyal to his war-torn homeland, his mazurkas reflect the rhythms and melodic traits of Polish folk music, and his polonaises contain a heroic spirit. Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini also influenced his melodies. His ballads, scherzos, and ?tudes exemplify his large-scale works for solo piano. His music, which is romantic and lyrical in nature, is characterized by great originality of melody, refined and often adventurous harmony, subtle rhythm, and poetic beauty. Chopin greatly influenced other composers, such as the Hungarian pianist and composer Franz Liszt, German composer Richard Wagner, and French composer Claude Debussy. Chopin's many published compositions include 55 mazurkas, 27 ?tudes, 24 preludes, 19 nocturnes, 13 polonaises, and 3 piano sonatas. Among his other works are the Concertos in E minor and in F minor, both for piano and orchestra, the cello sonata, and 17 songs. Among Chopin's most individual works are the Pr?ludes. Intended to serve as beginnings to an intimate recital, these pieces range from tender melancholy to the dramatic of the stormy Prelude in D minor. Many of Chopin's most beautiful compositions come from the series of short, reflective pieces he called Nocturnes. As can be heard in the Nocturne in F-sharp, these works are usually gentle and

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Conjugate the Verb Vedere in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb Vedere in Italian Vedere Can Be Defined As To seeTo look atTo meetTo visitTo consultTo go overTo checkTo find outTo grasp What to Know About â€Å" Vedere† It’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern.It’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"vedere.†The participio passato is â€Å"visto.†The gerund form is â€Å"vedendo.†The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo visto.† Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io vedo noi vediamo tu vedi voi vedete lui, lei, Lei vede essi, Loro vedono Ad esempio: Ti vedo bene. - You look good.Dalla sua finestra si vede il mare. - From her window you can see the sea. Il passato prossimo io ho visto noi abbiamo visto tu hai visto voi avete visto lui, lei, Lei, ha visto essi, Loro hanno visto Ad esempio: Ho visto Giulia al bar. - I saw Giulia at the cafe.Questo film l’abbiamo gi visto. - We have already seen this movie. L’imperfetto io vedevo noi vedevamo tu vedevi voi vedevate lui, lei, Lei vedeva essi, Loro vedevano Ad esempio: Lui vedeva il mondo come un posto magico. - He saw the world as a magical place.Col sole in faccia non vedevo niente. - With the sun in my face I couldn’t see anything. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo visto noi avevamo visto tu avevi visto voi avevate visto lui, lei, Lei aveva visto essi, Loro avevano visto Ad esempio: Non avevo mai visto uno struzzo prima d’ora. - I had never seen an ostrich before now.Vi avevo visti insieme in piazza. - I had seen you together in the middle of the square. Il passato remoto io vidi noi vedemmo tu vedesti voi vedeste lui, lei, Lei vide essi, Loro videro Ad esempio: La vide e si innamorà ² subito, era un colpo di fulmine! - He saw her and fell in love right away, it was love at first sight!Quel Natale i bambini videro per la prima volta Babbo Natale! - On that Christmas, the children saw Santa Claus for the first time! Il trapassato remoto io ebbi visto noi avemmo visto tu avesti visto voi aveste visto lui, lei, Lei ebbe visto essi, Loro ebbero visto TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io vedr noi vedremo tu vedrai voi vedrete lui, lei, Lei vedr essi, Loro vedranno Ad esempio: Chi vivr, vedr. - Who will live, will see. (Figuratively: time will tell) Il futuro anteriore io avr visto noi avremo visto tu avrai visto voi avrete visto lui, lei, Lei avr visto essi, Loro avranno visto Ad esempio: Mi avrai visto nella zona. - You must have seen me around the neighborhood. Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io veda che noi vediamo che tu veda che voi vediate che lui, lei, Lei veda che essi, Loro vedano Ad esempio: È importante che non ci veda insieme. - It’s important that she doesn’t see us together.Assicurati che vedano bene! - Make sure they can see clearly! Il passato io abbia visto noi abbiamo visto tu abbia visto voi abbiate visto lui, lei, egli abbia visto essi, Loro abbiano visto Ad esempio: Sembra che tu abbia visto una fantasma. - It seems like you saw a ghost. L’imperfetto io vedessi noi vedessimo tu vedessi voi vedeste lui, lei, egli vedesse essi, Loro vedessero Ad esempio: Vorrei che tu vedessi questo panorama. - I wish that you could see this view.Se i nonni vedessero come sei cresciuto! - If grandpas could see how grown up you are! Il trapassato prossimo io avessi visto noi avessimo visto tu avessi visto voi aveste visto lui, lei, Lei avesse visto essi, Loro avessero visto Ad esempio: Se ti avessi visto, sarei rimasto. - If I had seen you, I would have stayed.Se avessi visto il cartello non mi saresti venuto addosso! - If you had seen the sign you wouldn’t have crushed into me! Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io vedrei noi vedremmo tu vedresti voi vedreste lui, lei, Lei vedrebbe essi, Loro vedrebbero Ad esempio: Se ti desseha dato una possibilit, vedrebbe che sei un uomo fantastico. - If she gave you a chance, she would see that you’re a fantastic guy. Il passato io avrei visto noi avremmo visto tu avresti visto voi avreste visto lui, lei, egli avrebbe visto essi, Loro avrebbero visto Ad esempio: Ti ho detto che l’avrei visto. - I told you that I would see him.Se foste venuti avreste visto uno spettacolo indimenticabile! - If you came you would have seen an unforgettable show!